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This game was AWESOME! What a wacky story and some good jump scares!


게임 정말 재미있게 했습니다! 계속해서 다른 작품들도 기대하겠습니다!

We really enjoyed playing the game! We will continue to look forward to other works!

ゲーム本当に楽しかったです! 引き続き他の作品も期待します!


Loved your game! Keep up the AMAZING Work! I showcased your awesome game in my Season 8 Recap | Game 07


لا تسكن في فندق الشر 😱😬

Please Don't GO There 😭 


Gostei do jogo foi bem interessante e bizarro. Fiquei um pouco confuso com o final, mas está muito bom.


I played this game months ago, I think it deserves more attention. I thought it was pretty scary 


That was an experience! I was laughing the whole way and tried to make sense of it but it was nice! There was a few bugs I came across. Sitting on the couch while eating takes for ever to get off the couch and glitches out. Then while walking to the tv light, if you look away you get stuck in the darkness. lol [Game #3}


Really good horror game! I had an incredible and fun experience playing Holbrook Hotel. Congratulations, Bare Bones!

(Gameplay in Portuguese - BR)


Wasn't expecting the twist at the end, lol but the little fall gag had me dying! If you ever need a voice actor hit me up, I'd love to help out! I voice work in horror games and animations. I'll be on the lookout for your next game!


Very good.


Funny gam

Great game Bare Bones! I enjoyed a lot :)


jeu très sympa, j'ai adoré l'histoire et l'ambiance, bon travail //  very nice game, I loved the story and the atmosphere, good job


Game fun and really good I had to make a video on it No doubt. 


The game is really good. Dude, now I have a question, what the hell happened to the beggar? Did he fly away? hahahaha


The story was confusing, but overall a decently short game. 👍
(1 edit) (+1)

 The story is nothing special, but the game had some good moments.



EXCELLENT JOB, Cooper! I'm proud of you! My camera got so scared that it looked up on its own lol... I'm a fan of yours!

Love the homeless man flying to space


To this day, top 2 funniest game in


W Game

Hi, I played this game and had an amazing time! Excellent work :)

That was a fun little horror game.. The kid got me..... Loved the art style. Keep it up.


This game was fun played it along with another horror game 


Was a great game, short but had the time of my life! please do more :D
I need some more horrors for the channel and I like your style!


This is a short but great game. 

I had a lot of fun.


Good game!


this is easily one of my favorites i've played on itch. this was immensely creative and kept me on my toes. it even spooked me, lol. great work here, you're definitely on the right track for horror games.


Definitely has it's scary moments ! The alleyway drug man was hilarious as well. Well done ! 

I made a video on your game if you're interested :)

I love the mixture of horror and humor. Great game.


Pretty fun game. Keep up the good work

hi, big thx for the crazy game. greetings from rosti 


хорошая игра,нам понравилось
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